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  Extant is driven as an inflection point in today’s investigative marketplace.


Our knowledge and passion continues to grow in the service of defense intel. Steeped in a tenacious and determined culture of investigations our teams partner with insurance/reinsurance carriers, TPAs/MGAs, and various corporate and business policyholders.


Our forte rests in multi-line claims defense investigations, trial prep, and other intel supports. Powering through audits and financial reserve  analyses, we deliver data for examiners, underwriters, and actuaries on renewals, inclusive of AI.                                      

As our industry broadens, so does our focus on building relationships with a "smaller firm" approach. Even though our projects are larger scaled, we are committed to supervision at a personal level, providing efficient and deliverable added value with the highest standards in work fulfillment. We strive for long-term success  with our clients.

Our human assets are immersed in a background of civil tort law, forensics, multi-faceted field work, liability analysis, and are well versed in venues and “hell hole” jurisdictions. From FNOL to obtaining congruent case evidence, we strive to outperform on every case. We are focused on our client's  priority objectives in: investigations, surveillance, audits, risk evaluations, penetration testing of physical barriers and security risks, providing analytics, detecting fraud, ending fraud on abusive WC cases, reducing retail shrink and implementing loss prevention, coexisting in supervision of AI, and other consultancies.


We have thirty-seven years of experience, in both executive and boots-on-ground space, where we embrace the insurance/reinsurance/ retrocessional etc. arenas. Operations and claims auditing (remote and on-site), in multi-lines, are welcomed. We believe in bringing the highest standards and best practices to your firm, from compliance in operations and policy, reserving, ACRs, to knowing the law,  jurisdictions, regulations, AI supervision, and more.

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